Making those window screens clean again


baystate scren and window dirty screen


As New Englanders we all know the havoc bad winter weather can wreak on our windows.  Then Spring comes along with lots and lots of dirt, dust, and pollen.  That one-two combination can leave your window screen looking less than great – especially as the time of year hits when we want to keep the windows open. Well there are thing you can do to clean those window screens that will put them back in decent shape again. Baystate Screen and Window has some tips.

How dirty are those screens?

Diligence pays off and if you’re one of those people who always stays on top of things like this, your job could be a lot easier.  If you make a job like screen cleaning a part of your regular maintenance routine, you can use a simple and fast solution: lint rollers.  If the dust and particulate is loose and not too heavily ingrained, just take the lint roller and roll it back and forth over the screen.  If you’re lucky, this simple method will tidy up those screens in no time and probable allow you to do it with the screen still in the window!

Vacuum those screens

Okay, now you have to take the screens out for this method of cleaning.  It’s best to do this outdoors and on some kind of drop cloth or tarp.  Vacuuming will add some power to the cleaning method we just talked about, but be sure to only use a hand-held vacuum with a brush attachment to protect the screen.  Lightly vacuum on one side and then flip over and do the other side. If this did the trick, you’re all set to pop the screens back in the windows.

Put some elbow grease into the job

Your screens had a rough winter and spring and they’re going to need a little more attention than those two earlier methods.  You’ll have to get messy now and use water.  Always spray the screens down first with your hose to help loosen or rinse away any debris.  Once you’ve done that, it’s time to actually wash them.

You can use various homemade solutions to clean your window screens depending on your taste and the ingredients you have on hand.  Dish soap, ammonia, and white vinegar are all good choices.  Start with a bucket of warm water and then add a small amount of your chosen ingredient. It will be less messy and protect your hands if you use rubber cloves.

Use a soft cloth or scrub brush (tooth brush is good) and gently scrub the screen from top to bottom. Again, be careful to not use too much force so you do not damage the screen. Once you’ve done that, flip it over and do the other side.  Be sure to rinse the screens with the hose again and leave them out to air dry. Once they look the way you want them to and have dried up nicely, pop them back in the window!

If you notice any tiny tears in the screen you can “seal them” with a little clear nail polish to discourage any bugs from finding a way in.  Of course, if your screen looks really helpless and has more damage than just a tiny tear, Baystate Screen and Window is here to help!


Baystate Screen & Window: Greater Boston’s Window Experts!

If you think your windows screens need repair or replacement, call Baystate Screen & Window today! Our team provides professional services to make sure your home has beautiful and safe windows. Make the call today at 781-710-8729 and have your windows looking great all year round.